To Our Valued Clients and Our Community,
As you are undoubtedly aware, the country and our community has been coming together in an unprecedented way to contain, reduce and slow the spread of COVID-19. We are encouraged by this cooperation and hoping for the best outcomes possible.
So far, Rutland County has been very fortunate that there have been no known cases of Covid-19 reported locally to-date. We should all do our part to keep it that way.

With the help and cooperation of everyone in our office, and in our community, we at O’Brien Shortle Reynolds & Sabotka, PC expect to continue to maintain our corporate hallmark of timely professional services.
That being said, the good health of our staff, their families and our community is also very important to us. Out of an abundance of caution and in the best interest of our staff and clients, we have adopted the following policies until at least the normal April 15 filing deadline:
Social Distancing and Your Tax Returns
- We are suspending face-to-face client appointments until at least after April 15th.
- To the extent possible we will serve our clients by email, phone calls, or otherwise, rather than in face-to-face client appointments.
- We encourage clients to drop off tax information rather than waiting for an appointment. You may use email, our sharefile system, or the secure drop box outside on our porch.
- We have posted a notice on our door asking clients to use the drop box rather than having face-to-face contact.
- We want all our valued clients to know that, as always, we are available to discuss your questions, and provide advice as we work through your tax returns. We encourage you to call us with any tax questions or any other matters you’d like to discuss during this uncertain time.
- To ensure timely delivery of prepared returns, we will mail tax returns, even to local clients.
Additional Steps We are Taking to Protect and Serve Everyone
- All staff should wash hands frequently throughout the day, and to the extent possible try not to touch eyes, nose or mouth.
- If any of our staff become sick, even with the common cold, we want them to stay home.
- For our staff with children home due to school closures, we encourage you to work from home. If you wish to bring your children to the office that is fine, however, please do not bring your children to the office if they have any type of cold.
- Staff have the capacity to work remotely should the need arise.
- Staff are encouraged to limit travel to essential purposes only.
We thank everyone for your cooperation. As the weeks unfold, we will keep everyone informed of any additional procedures or precautions we believe are necessary for everyone’s good health. In the meantime, please take care of yourselves, and each other.
Should anyone have any questions, please let us know.
James B Reynolds, CPA
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